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"The American Electrology Association continues to stay on the forefront of advancements in technology, education, standards of practice and infection prevention.
Electrolysis is still the only permanent solution for any skin or hair color and is the only method of hair removal recognized by the FDA as permanent."
AEA(AmericanElectrologyAssociation) PRESIDENT
Pearl G. Warner, CPE
AEA(米国電気脱毛協会) 会長
パール G.ワーナー,CPE

"As a dermatologist, I specialize in problems relating to skin and hair.
In America, electrolysis is recognized by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) as the only method of PERMANENT hair removal.
In spite of the popularity of laser hair removal, experts in my field recognize that facial hair, white hair and vellus hair are all more suited to removal by electrolysis.
Electrolysis is also highly effective for removing hairs anywhere on the body. Americans select the safest and only permanent method when they choose electrolysis.”
Lesly Davidson,MD
レスリー・デイビッドソン 医師(皮膚科)
IEC(国際電気脱毛)セミナー/“最先端美容プロフェッショナルセミナー”2012の第一講義「電気脱毛と光脱毛について」がエステティックジャーナルに掲載されました。詳しくは こちら